Offering tokens at election can win elections, but it won't keep you in government.
While Labor are being forced to accept that, why don't conservatives grab the ground of environemnatl cerdibility that is going begging when the left move right ( as they appear to be doing with uranium and cola seam gas ) . If conservatives can't be celar about who owns eco competencies ( professionals) they will continue to fail to grab the hearts and minds of young austrailians who could vote for them - if only theye were CLEAR
Not doing something or using something because its dangerous ( even politically ) may mean you prefer ignorance and fear to
a mature attitude to risk . The people want certainty; The sort of certainty that comes with ignoring a panic driven media and political process. The sort of certainty that comes with boring old career focus by all Australians . The sort of certainty that comes with politcians who don't tell us "what they think" - cf a professional group such as we have at We work best when we don't try to do each others jobs but respect the roles .
Gillard , with the Greens running the show, knows she has to show how Labor still has some backbone . Her statement today that she intends to make her position clear on some middle sound ground issues is very welcome. ( if not deeply credible on energy policy ) because the NEW doesn't mean throwing out the old . Such stupid reactionary politics characterizes
the immature and the ageing media reactionaries in power and helps explain why Labor has been losing its appeal
No doubt the Greens will seek to mediate a solution to the sleeping giant s wake up call - but having changed everything often ( and therefore undermined their credibility on moral ground by constantly moving it - the moral ground clearly more passively shared by others ) they are not credible - be interesting to see if they can agree to say something useful or just hug each other over every token word that seems to say they are being taken seriously
Labor's needs to stop selling things and trying to fiddle with the market - ( not god enough at it) Greenlabor's stupid and shallow belief in change for changes sake ( they aren't used to discernment and selling that) will need a good shake if they are not to STILL go down still buying technology and clothes they don't understand and can't see the "old hat sale" notice on .
We know she's been wearing invisible clothes even if the conference doesn't get it yet either .
Change driven by desperation doesn't keep you in power either .
Maybe rather than have debates on conferenence electives on a narrative (and one that isn't modelled on the word NEW)