Dave Sharma reminded me on Sky news why so many young Libs simply will not win . They are so blindly ought of touch with the future and how it will work . They don't really think bearing the guilt is their job but they are so outta touch they will tell us it is and it is in their humble self righteousness a matter of progress and technology ,; That's all of us freezing in the cold even if its not really them in their board ( bored ) rooms !
Libs can bare a bit of repentance normally, but true liberalism is about repentance that works - the sort of reaction to failures that balances the books- not stays like so many, in complete denial of the shallow woke therapy and balms on offer -esp on the empty for ideas reactionary left ; the completely crass and impossible and purposeless zero emissions targets.You can win libs if you deal with the present weakness in your wokeness.
For Dave to say "its the way the world is going is to show how woke the world is" "
I'm a competent conservationist and throwing money at renewables will not achieve anything much in the long term significant except more broke ness.
Sure, doing something to tackle greed and over use is sound but only sound in the short term . If renewables don't work ,in the long term it does nothing for the eco bottom lines as most of the last two decades of heavy carbon taxing have shown. Europe and Japan have nuclear but we would rather freeze our children's future for the sake of a new liberal self righteousness that is so unjust that it doesn't even make sense to Christians ( yes go read Greg Sheridan's book )
Dave also shows how deeply lost bored and comfortable the boards of big companies are ,
The wet behind the ears converts 2 woke conservation don't know the first thing about how conservation works . They fall for advertiser's claim of short term gain and will make US PAY the long term pain . Brilliant nonsense from the cocooned comfortable on the right . And Bronwyn bishop is so good at stopping the mealy mouthed nonsense on the real news on Sky news
The renewable energy ball is indeed rolling but long term pain from its batteries running down is evident to anyone with their feet on the ground .
Dave and his woke liberal girlfriends ought to join with all the greenlabor lefties and start a new party , The cool party - They won't have anything to keep the winter chills that are clearly coming their way